Best songs: "Rising Power", "Flick Of The Switch", "Nervous Shakedown", "Guns For Hire", "Badlands" and "Bedlam In Belgium. The poseurs who jumped on board with "Back in Black" hated "Flick" because it was so raw, dirty and hard. 1989 seems to have been a pretty magical year for songs about God and Jesus hitting the British charts. Most of the songs on AC/DC's 1983 album "Flick of the Switch." True AC/DC fans love that album. This could have easily been at No.1 of our Top 8 Easter Songs, however it’s essentially sharing pole position with Johnny Cash. The result was a 1 alternative radio hit in the US and another top 10 pop hit in the UK. It brought out an intense rock side of the band with Alan Wilder playing drums and Martin Gore playing guitar. "When All Is Said And Done" & "The Visitors (Cracking Up) from Abba's 1981 album "The Visitors" - classic, well-structured pop songs that should have been Top Ten Singles. Courtesy Mute 'I Feel You' is the first single from Depeche Modes eighth studio album Songs of Faith and Devotion. The song was one of my favorite Aerosmith songs. This album rocked and was light years better than any of the glossy pop drivel that followed it. "My Fist Your Face" by Aerosmith from their 1985 album "Done With Mirrors." A vastly underrated song from a vastly underrated album. Mûê dadgehê 'Tenê Nehwe Nabe' nûner e ku ji destpêka Depeche Modê, pir melodîk, dengek dengek nû ye. 01 ji 10 'Tenê Nehwe Nabe' (1981) Depeche Mode - 'Tenê Ne Hê Nikarin'. "Not Now John" by Pink Floyd from the 1983 album "The Final Cut." The album was one of Floyd's weakest but it did have a few great songs. by Bill Lamb Share on Facebook Share on Twitter. "Red Sector A" by Rush from their 1984 album "Grace Under Pressure." It's a song you never hear on the radio anymore but it was chilling and very moving. If you understand the backstory behind this song, then youll understand why its in the top 10 Depeche Mode songs of. A terrific song that you rarely hear anymore. "Undercover Of The Night" by The Rolling Stones from 1983 from the album "Undercover". A lot of people love Devo but hate that particular song. To the British synth guys and girls, keep them coming."That's Good" by Devo from 1982's "Oh No! It's Devo". I guess that’s why many bands continue to perform overseas rather than here. It is true that America seems to not appreciate many singers, bands and groups as say the British crowd. It is my hope individuals continue to produce the type of music we all can enjoy and appreciate. Gui Boratto shares his top ten tracks as he joins fellow Brazilian artist Vintage Culture in delivering their own spin on melodic house selector Monolink’s most recent single ‘The Prey.’. Howard Jones, The Cars, Gary Numann and others have blazed a trail. Author : Marco Sgalbazzini ApTop Ten Tracks with Gui Boratto. It’s not surprising the list has 80% British acts. The British use of synths is legendary, that’s why back in the day I wanted to hear as much music from that part of the world because to me they seemed to be very innovative. Even though I live in the States, one must reach beyond their horizons to see what is out there.

Gary Wright’s “Dream Weaver, and I really wanna know you,” still stands up very well after all these years. Being an R and B and Funk guy, I knew if that crowd got into synths, they would utilize the synths for bass sounds etc., ala George Clinton, Cameo, and other bands. Here are some modern synthpop songs that I like:īeing a loyal synth guy, I grew up in the 70’s. The list is generaly good, but unfortunately the modern synthpop is missing. You Lover Her Coz She’s Dead – Sunday Best +0 Switched on Bach – Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring +1ĭepeche Mode – Never Let Me Down Again +0 The Korgis – Everybody’s Got to Learn Sometimes +2ĭominatrix – The Dominatrix Sleeps Tonight +1

Raf – Self Control (More well-known cover by Laura Branigan) +2 The Postal Service – Such Great Heights +4Įurythmics – Here comes the rain again +3Īd Visser & Daniel Sahuleka – Giddyap A Gogo +2 Plastic Bertrand – Tout petit la planète +5 Heaven 17 – (We Don’t Need This) Fascist Groove Thang +11ĭepeche Mode – Sometimes I Wish I Was Dead +9 Donna Summer – i Feel Love +33Įrasure – Don’t Say Your Love is Killing Me +12 Posts that mentioned more than one song were given separate votes each. I have taken the initiative to compile the votes for every song mentioned in this post so far (Jan 2015). Here is my original comment, just in case: Each song mentioned and each like counted as a vote. In total, there were 163 different song entries. I just took the time to scan through all the comments up to that point and organized the song suggestions made by the readers themselves. It was compiled from the reader’s comments on the previous post from 2013, just have a look at the link. This wasn’t supposed to be a competition in the first place. Please, no rants! It was me “who compiled this list”.